Tuesday, June 30, 2009

NEW! www.blog.thinkmoxie.com

Sadly, we’ve out grown our blogger blog. But we’re happy to announce that we’ve moved on to bigger and better things! If you aren’t automatically redirected, join us at our NEW BLOG for all of the creative thoughts, ideas and musings of the Moxie Creative Studio staff.

Visit our main web site for more information about how Moxie can help GET YOU NOTICED!

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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

How to Communicate With Those Wacky Graphic Designers

We may be a little wacky at times, but don’t let that scare you. Deep down, we’re just like everyone else, and we just want someone to talk to. Here are a few times on how to communicate with a graphic designer to build a strong and lasting relationship.

Be Specific.
When starting a new project with a graphic designer, provide as much information as possible. In fact, give too much information. Include the product/service, what makes it unique, the target audience (and specific info about the audience if it is available) and any other information that you think will be useful. As designers, the most information we have, the more effective we are.

Provide Examples.
If you have something in mind, if there’s a specific style that you like, or if you have some favorite design examples, send them our way! If you don’t have anything in mind, be open to the designer‘s ideas and suggestions. Or take some time to search out some styles that you like and think relate to your product/service.

Give Feedback.
If a color isn’t speaking to you, or if a photo isn’t telling your story like you think it should, make sure that you speak up. We love to hear what our customers think, and enjoy working with them to finalize their project. Both positive and negative feedback is needed to make sure that you are happy with the final product.

Be Honest.
We’re strong, we can take criticism. If you’re not happy with the design direction, be honest! We’ve built up a tough skin over the years, and we won’t take it personally. We’ll just try, try again, until you are happy. Kind of like the little engine that could, we will make sure you are happy with the final product.

Give Us Time!
In a perfect world, there would always be enough time for each project. But, in a graphic designer’s world, that rarely happens. While we sometimes thrive on short deadlines, for projects that need a little more thought or a little extra TLC, make sure you allow your graphic designers enough time to devote to your project. In the end, you will be happy that you did.

Be Accessible.
As we begin a new project we often have questions, need clarification or just need to talk about your project to get the creative juices flowing. Not being able to reach a customer can be a big frustration and the design process can slow down or stop all together. Help us help you! Responding quickly to voice mail and email helps keep projects moving along, and keeps everyone’s sanity in check.

You Catch More Flies With Honey Than Vinegar.
Sometimes just a simple “thank you” lets us know that you value our talent, our time and the project that we’ve completed for you. A small sign of appreciation makes us happy to go the extra-EXTRA mile for our customers! The next time you have a rush project, don’t forget the “pat-on-the-back” (or perhaps a box of chocolate) to the designer who helped you in your time of need. It makes all of the difference in the world.

We hope this makes your life a little easier. If you have any questions or need help creating a marketing piece for your company, please contact us! At Moxie, we are here to serve our customers, to help YOU SUCCEED!

www.thinkmoxie.com | 715.359.7141 | info@thinkmoxie.com

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Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Don’t Forget About Your Target Market!

What’s the #1 most important thing to consider when you create a new marketing piece? You might think it is your product or service. Perhaps you would say it’s your boss (who doesn’t want to make their boss happy?). Think again. The most important thing to consider is your target market. They are, after all, the driving force behind the success of your brand.

Who Are They?
First and foremost, who are you trying to reach? If you are selling a new line of athletic shoes, you are probably going to target serious athletes, not serious couch potatoes. Make sure you know who needs your product, their age, their gender, marital status, income range, favorite color. Everything that makes them, who they are. Now, zero in on those people and find ways to target the.

How Do They Communicate?

Does your target market Twitter from dawn to mid-night? Or do they prefer the lost art of hand written letters? Knowing how your market communicates, what they read and what music they listen to not only tells you how to find them, but it also shows you how to effectively reach them.

What Do They Need?

How can your product or service improve the life of your target market? Will your product easy the worries of a new mother? Or help a business owner organize and prioritize? Whatever you are selling, make sure that your main focus is on the benefit to the customer.

How Can You Relate?

One of the best ways to connect with your target market is to relate to them on a personal level. It is the foundation to building trust and a life-long relationship. Go ahead, make it personal.

Design To Fit THEIR Needs.

Now that you have figured out who your target audience is make sure that ALL of your marketing materials communicate directly to your audience. Just because your favorite color is magenta, doesn’t mean that your target market will appreciate its vivacity. Make sure that you keep in mind who you are targeting and why, and everything will fall into place.

We hope this makes your life a little easier. If you have any questions or need help creating a marketing piece for your target market please contact us! At Moxie, we are here to serve our customers, to help YOU SUCCEED!

www.thinkmoxie.com | 715.359.7141 | info@thinkmoxie.com

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